J Henry Phillips
Reprint permission available | A sampling of things I have written, edited and/or published over the years. | |
1929: Prohibition and the Crash | This is a political, legal and financial analysis of the Great Depression sold as an e-book. Charts and graphs are included, and every page is heavily footnoted. Click the title for details, and by all means, buy a copy. Coming soon in audio, plus the Panic of 1893 and the Stock Market Crash of 1987. | |
Cramming | How do interpreters prepare for difficult subjects? The same way we passed exams in college. | |
Ligeiro e lépido | Apetrechos e equipamentos que facilitam a atuação do intérprete -- sem pesar muito no orçamento ou na bagagem. 225 kb. PLData article on lightweight interpreter accessories. | |
Laredo | Crônica de uma missão à fronteira mexicana, sentindo na carne os efeitos da reciprocidade... 8kb | |
Sea Wolf's Spyglass | The interpreter's booth is the farthest seat from the projection screen. So how do you read the morning edition PowerPoint presentations as fast as the presenter can change, skip and reverse slides? January 2005 MITA Reader 197k | |
Streamlining Membership | AATIA Membership Director report on the new paperless online membership and renewal system--credit cards accepted! 116k | |
Escape from Los Fresnos | Court interpreters seek to enter the prison and detention centers everyone else wants to flee. Knowing the way helps. Landmark photographs online at ftp://ftp.portugueseinterpreter.com/losfresnos.zip Photos 180k | |
State of AATIA report: Recovery | AATIA President's outgoing portrait of the amazing correlation between practical and relevant, 21st Century member services--including an internet-visible Linguist Locator--and a reversal of the persistent decline in membership numbers for preceding years. OilSIG organized for energy translators. | |
Get Paid Online | Cover story published in the Chicago Interpreters and Translators Association newsletter for December, 2003. Terse explanation of how to register a domain, set up a website and install a PayPal button to accept credit card payment. | |
Continuing Exasperation, Stupid Trick VII | A report on the meeting of a state regulatory board charged with enforcing a law best repealed or modified. This shows how diploma mills, predators and parasites exploit the interpreter's profession through coercion and indirection--but always for the most altruistic of motives! 250k; Download the entire November 2003 issue at aatia.org | |
You and Google | You join a translators' association, pay your dues and expect the public to be able to find your listing, right? WRONG (blam!)... unless you joined the Austin Area Translators and Interpreters Association. 146k | |
Stupid Interpreter Tricks VI | Audio Transcription for Fun and Profit: a quick introduction to the wonderful world of MP3 and how it relates to dictation machines, CDs, videocassette tapes and translation. Must reading for interpreters isolated by Homeland Security. 118k | |
Every Man a Webmaster | Presentation at the AATIA general meeting May 10, 2003. A hands-on explanation of how any translator can install a powerful website for $50--a 1-page handout. | ![]() |
Marketing Theory and Practice | From the March 2003 Chicata News, a definition of marketing and exploration of its practical consequences. What's in it for you? 13k | |
Stupid Interpreter Tricks V | Understanding units of mass, force and pressure in terms of their fundamental dimensions. BONUS: Computer bargains in Austin Texas, plus a bootleg copy of Frank Dietz' Are you eXPerienced? | |
Stupid Interpreter Tricks IV | Quick and easy shortcuts for simultaneous interpreters dealing with ounces, liters, gallons, miles and kilometers. | |
Stupid Interpreter Tricks III | Simultaneous interpreting shortcuts for handling conversions between square feet and square meters, and the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales. | |
Stupid Interpreter Tricks II | Portuguese-language dictation software by IBM: Via Voice em português. | |
Stupid Interpreter Tricks I | English-language dictation software: Dragon NaturallySpeaking Preferred. | |
PL Data index | An index of the contents of the Portuguese Language Division newsletter during its humble beginnings. | |
PL Data, May 1995 | Dictionaries in Portugal; Brazil-Portugal journalism glossary; Accreditation debate; Thelma Sabim on telephone cards; anti-freelancer Bylaws amendment... | |
PL Data, June 1994 | Portuguese Language Division Newsletter containing lively discussions but missing the back page. It may take awhile to get all of these online... | |
PL Data, Mar. 1994 | Newsletter of the Portuguese Language Division of the ATA, which I edited, published, and sometimes had to write despite an inappropriate sense of humor. | |
PL Data, Sept. 1994 | Another pre-censorship Portuguese Language Division newsletter, with articles on nuts and bolts, software, foods, and the law. | |
PL Data, Nov. 1993 | Verdadeiro fundo do baú das lembranças. A must-have nostalgia collectible for Portuguese Language Division members. Articles by Thelma Sabim and more... | |
PL Data, Aug. 1993 | Kurt Gingold's Springtime in Portugal, membership, letters and more. | |
PL Data, Feb. 1992 | Mário Ferreira on language; licensing debate, letters and dictionaries. | |
PL Data, Dec. 1992 | San Diego Conference, APT, Computers in Brazil... |
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