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BOOKS I WANT TO BUY: Harpers Magazine bound volumes from 1893 forward; Treatise on the Gods and Minority Report, both by H.L. Mencken
BOOKS FOR SALE IN GENERAL Return to Dictionaries for Sale Price Lbs
Fundamentos da Farmacologia e suas aplicações à terapêutica   $8
Peking Daily News, 7/12/1912 through 9/1/1912 Bound daily papers 18" x 14" x 2.5", poor binding, paper still flexible and legible, historical value. See image... ask 15
The Dental Assistant 4th edition, Richardson Barton Brower, McGraw-Hill $15
The Medical Office Assistant 5th edition, Frederick &Kin $15
Texas digest 1840 to date, Gas & Health thick hardcover law book $5
Pesticide Manual British Crop Protection Council $35
Toxicology of Commercial Products Cost Some, Smith & Hodge, 5th Edition, Williams &… $9
Electronics and Nuclear Engineering by Saar Bacher, prentice-Hall $6
Gray's Anatomy Running Press edition, Paperback $6
The Diseases of Occupations Donald Hunter $9 6
Cassell's New Latin Dictionary Funk & Wagnall's $5
Radioactive Nuclides in Medicine and Biology Silver $2
On Thermonuclear War Herman Kahn, Princeton U press, 1960 $20
Preventing accidental explosions Army manual NY Academy of Science, 1917 $5
the art of war Sun Tzu $4
Laughing Gas David Sheldon and Michael Wally Kinski $10
Piloting and Maneuvering of Ships Kells, Kern, and bland, McGraw-Hill $12
Coloured Dictionary of Houseplants Peter MacCoy, hardcover, $15
Chord Chemistry by Ted Green (Guitar) $9
The Nuclear Weapons Safety Manual--lost somewhere August, 1963 Air Force manual $9
Nuclear Power and the Environment,Q. & A. softcover, industry publication $5
The Doors Songs, lyrics--sheet music book $5
First-aid for Soldiers Department of the Army, May-1970, FM 21-11 $15
Handguns of the World G. Zell, Barnes & Noble $9
Soviet Land Power Mark Urban, Hardcover $5
Illustration and Design Criswell books, inc $9
Grateful Dead Songbook large softcover with music & lyrics $5
Home Plumbing Handbook MacConnell $9
Symbolic Logic, 3rd Edition Irving M. Copi $4
The Dymaxion World of R. Buckmnister Fuller Buckminster Fuller and Robert Marks, paperback $9
Pentagon Magazine, mathematics with article on geodesic math $5
Space Grid Structures Geometric structures hardcover $8
Geodesics Edwin Popko *packed *
Design of a Geodesic Dome M.E. Ujanik $50
Steel Space Structures M.S. Makowski $30
A Study of the Stability of Framed, triangulated, geodesic Domes R. Aguilar $40
Butterflies in My Stomach-insects in human nutrition by Ronald L.Taylor, Woodbridge press $85
The Acceleration of History Gerard Piel, Alfred A. Knopf Books $3
Philosophy, Who Needs It? Ayn Rand, hardcover, Bobs Merrill $10
Conference of Space Grid Structures report w/ geodesic dome material, math for programmers; photocopies 100pp or so by J.D. Clinton, May 1975 $52
Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems Boyce and de Prima, 2nd edition, Wiley $2
Life of Neville Chamberlain Keith Freely, McMillan books $30
The Last Lion, William Spencer Churchville, Alone, 1932- William Manchester,Little Brown $9
A Writer's Guide to Book Publishing Belkin, Hawthorne/Dutton, HC $9
Introduction to Logic, 4th edition Irving Copi, hardcover $2
Logic and Philosophy, 4th Edition Kahane $4
Relativity Albert Einstein, bonanza books $4
Leviathan Thomas Hobbes, paperback $4
As Melhores Piadas do Planeta Casseta e Planeta, 3 vols $6
Night of the Crash-Test Dummies Gary Larson, Far Side $4
How to Avoid Love and Marriage Dan Greenberg and Suzanne O'Malley $5
The Iron Heel Jack London, trade paperback $3
Almanaque Radical Chic Miguel Paiva $3
Illuminated Declaration Of Independence Harmony Books, softcover $6
Love Is Hell (cartoons) Matt Groenig $5
Lightest Blues --Cartoons of the 1930s Jane Van Newman $12
Herman, the Fourth Treasury by Jim Unger, large paperback $6
Wonder Woman comic first edition, facsimile $10
Hitler's Propaganda Machine Mark Rutherford, large hardcover, Bison Books $15
A Cartoon History of US Foreign Policy since World War I Random House HC $20
Patrick Henry Moses Coit Tyler, Chelsea House paperback $10
Capitalism and the Historians F. Hayek, U of Chicago, softcover $10
Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe, Penguin classics paperback, first mention of Red Republicans $4
Lenin on the War and Peace, three articles Lenin, booklet $9
How to Make Yourself Miserable Dan Greenberg w/ Marcia Jacobs, Random House $5
How to Be a Jewish Mother Dan Greenberg, Stearns/Sloan publishers think $10
O Xangô de Baker Street Jô Soares, Companhia das Letras, softcover $10
Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him Joseph Tumulty, 1924 spots on cover, light penciling on blanks, spine torn $4 2
Mauá, Empresário do Império Jorge Caldeira, Cia das Letras, wraps $10
Amor de Perdição Camilo Castello-Branco, Série Bom Livro, wraps $5
O Rei da Vela Oswald de Andrade, wraps $3
As Pupilas do Senhor Reitor Júlio Diniz, wraps $4
Decl. da Independência, Constituição EUA Pamphlet $100
What the Anti-Federalists Were for Herbert J. Storing, U of Chicago Press $10
Economic Interpretation of the Constitution of the United States Charles A. Beard, Macmillan, NY, reprint of 1913 $30
The Syntax of Spoken Brazilian Portuguese Earl W. Thomas, Vanderbilt $20
Texas State Constitution & Declaration Of Independence W. S. Benson & Co., Austin $8
Fundamentals of the Texas Constitution Kagle, 1957 $9
Outline of American History Edward Whiting Fox, Oxford U Press, NY $10
Constituición de EUA OAS pamphlet $25
La Constituición de EUA, con notas explicativas pamphlet in Spanish $10
Presidents of the US, Their Written Measure Library Of Congress $10
Defending a Free Society Robert W. Poole, Jr. Ed. Lexington books $5
Complete Illustrated Works of Lewis Carroll Avenell $18
Webster's New Dictionary and & Atlas, Self Pronouncing circa 1935, spine torn one side, can repair $20
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 33rd edition Chemical Rubber Co.1951-2, smaller volume $7
The Pocket Oxford Latin dictionary Oxford hardback, new $5
Uncle Remus Jolt Chandler Harris, pocket hardback $5
Business Babble, a cynic's dictionary of corporate jargon David Olive $2
Robert's Rules of Order Pyramid Paperback $4
Sears Roebuck & Co. 1909 Catalog facsimile $60
Ayn Rand in Russian selected translations, softcover $100
A Choice, Not an Echo Phillys Schafly, paperback $12
On Religion V.I. Lenin, Progress Publishers $12
Money Mischief, Episodes in monetary history Milton Friedman; Harvest -- Harcourt Brace $10
The Mushroom Handbook Lewis C C Kreider $6
The Voice of Reason-- essays in objectivist thought Ayn Rand, Hardcover $20
The Ideas of Ayn Rand Merrill, paperback $20
The Philosophic Thought of Ayn Rand Den Uyl, Rasmussen, hardcover $25
The Passion of Ayn Rand Barbara Brandon, Hardcover $30
Breaking Free Nathaniel Brandon, Hardcover $22
Judgment Day Nathaniel Branden, hardcover $30
Reader's Digest Almanac,1974 softcover $4
Roughing It Mark Twain, library hardback $4
Crime and Punishment Dostoyevski, Signet Paperback $5
Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal Ayn Rand,Signet paperback, old $5
Kennedy Valves, Pipe Fittings and Fire Hydrants catalog With Photos 1923 $30
a manual of assaying small, very old hardcover  $12
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress Robert A. Heinlein $4
The New Left:the anti-industrial revolution Ayn Rand, Signet paperback $5
Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal Ayn Rand, Signet paperback $12
Introduction to objectivist Epistemology Ayn Rand, Signet paperback $16
The Fountainhead Ayn Rand, Signet paperback $6
The Fountainhead Ayn Rand, Signet paperback $6
Bíblia, Mensagem de Deus Edições Loyola, zip leather pocket case $8
New American Standard Bible Holman Books, Paperback $6
Santa Biblia en español $8
Stranger in a Strange Land Robert A. Heinlein $6
Free to Choose Milton and Rose Friedman, Avon paperback $8
Fighting Words-- Christine Ammer $4
Technical Writing, Third Edition Walters & Mills, hardcover, with Nicholas Vanserg's Mathmanship $9
Knots and Slings for Climbers Walter Whitlock $8
Grumbles from the Grave Robert A. Heinlein, paperback $8
Capital Karl Marx, Volume 1, Vintage trade paperback $7
The Pit Frank Norris, Sundial Press, hardcover $12
Dictionary of the Old West Peter Watts $9
Anarchy, State and Utopia Robert Nozik, trade paperback $4
Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds for Healthful Living Joseph M. Kadahs, Parker, hardcover $12
Laws against Marijuana -- the Price We Pay Arthur D. Hellman $3
The Compleat Psilocybin Mushroom Cultivator's Bible Hongero Press 1976 71pp ink dwgs and color plates, water stain, chafed, a few typos underlined but all pp there and legible throughout, image available $15 3/16
Modern Arms and Free Men Vannevar Bush, hardcover $5
Holy Bible --King James version Large Print, Red-Letter, Regency, VG $15
How to Identify and Grow Psilocybin Mushrooms Julie Stevens and Rich Gee, Sun Magic Publishing $21 5/16
George Orwell Collected works, Hardcover $60
Orwell-- the war broadcasts West, BBC books $45
Seig Heil Stefan Laurent, Norton books, large hardcover $20
Hitler's Secret Book Adolf Hitler, Grove press, paperback $9
Soviet Union in Maps wraps, Cold War era $8
An Illustrated History of Witchcraft Peter Haney, pyramid nonfiction, large wraps $4
Ayn Rand-- a Sense of Life Paxton, hardback $20
Advances in Forensic and Clinical Toxicology Currie, CRC Press, Hardcover $25
The Effects of Nuclear War Office of Technology Assessment, Wraps $30
No High Ground-secret history of Hiroshima bomb Knebel and Bailey, hardcover $30
Scarne's Complete Guide to Gambling Hardcover $30
Scarne on cards Hardcover $30
Best of Bijou Comics softcover $9
Atlas of the Holocaust Martin Gilbert, Large paperback $8
The Heel of the Conqueror-- the Third Reich Time-Life books, hardcover, Holland invaded $20
Pictorial Guide to the Moon Hardcover, lunar photographs $9
Soviet Military Power-- an assessment of the threat, 1988 Large Hardcover $5
The Manhattan Project -- a Documentary Introduction to the Atomic Age Stoff, Fenton & Williams, large wraps $9
Honecker Vs. Hendrie-- a lawsuit to end atomic power antinuclear agitprop w/ faked graphs $15
Nuclear War Survival Skills Cresson Kearny, large wraps, 1st Ed $15
Commonsense in Nuclear Energy Fred Hoyle & Geoffrey Hoyle, paperback $8
Commonsense in Nuclear Energy Fred Hoyle & Geoffrey Hoyle, paperback $8
Personal and Family Survival DOD, 1966, Civil Defense manual $9
How Human Rights Got into the Constitution Chaffee, Hardcover $6
American Defense Policy Endicott and Stafford $8
The Effects of Nuclear Weapons 1977 Hardcover w/ Strangelove circular rule $200
Nuclear Weapons -- Report of the Secretary-General UN publication $12
In the Matter of J. Robert Oppenheimer Atomic Energy Commission, Philip Stern $9
The Ominous Parallels-the End of Freedom in America Leonard Peikoff, hardcover $9
Anti Ballistic Missile: yes or no? Hill & Wang, Eds $9
Fallout John Fowler, Hardcover $60
World War I Posters Color pamphlet $10
The Nuclear Energy Option Bernard Cohen, hardback $16
The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear Petr Beckmann, Golem Press, Lg paperback $20
The Health Hazards of Not Going Nuclear Petr Beckmann, Golem Press, Lg paperback $21
A History of Pi Petr Beckmann,hardcover $29
The Life and Death of Adolf Hitler Payne, Praeger books $9
Einstein Plus 2 Petr Beckmann, hardcover $200
Elements of Applied Probability Theory Petr Beckmann, softcover $60
Calculus Gilman and McDowell; Teacher's manual included $8
Lewis Carroll's Symbolic Logic Berkeley, paperback $19
The Fail-Safe Fallacy Sidney Hook, Stein and Day publishers $9
Thinking with a Pencil Henning Nelms, paperback $9
Richard's Bicycle Book old lg paperback $4
CBW -- Chemical and Biological Warfare Rose, Beacon Press paperback $15
Common Sense and Other Political Writings Thomas Paine, small wraps $7
The Problems of Philosophy Bertrand Russell, paperback $4
Authority and the Individual Bertrand Russell, Paperback $4
An Age like This-- volume 1, 1920-40 set George Orwell, Harcourt Brace Johanovich $10
My Country Right or Left --volume 2, 1940-43 George Orwell, Harcourt Brace Johanovich $10
As I Please-- volume 3, 1943-45 George Orwell, Harcourt Brace Johanovich $10
In Front of Your Nose-- volume 4, 1945-50 George Orwell, Harcourt Brace Johanovich sold as set only $10
The Road to Wigan Pier George Orwell, Paperback $12
Chemical Warfare Wachtel, Hardback $95
Final Entries, 1945-Diary of Josef Goebbels Trevor-Roper, Putnam books $9
Orwell's London by John Thompson $25
Orwell, the Transformation Peter stops theand Joseph Abrahams $35
Khrushchev Killed Kennedy Michael Eddoes $9
Fear, War, and The Bomb PMS Blackett, hardcover $50
Indefensible Weapons Robert J. Lipton, Henry Faulk, basic books $13
Voice of Reason, another copy Ayn Rand  ask
Naziism, volume 1-- a history and documents and eyewitness accounts, 1919-45 J notebooks and G. Prittem editors $25
The Nazi Question Ayçoberry, Hardcover $8
Nazi Cinema Irwin Liesser, paperback $12
The Nazi Years Joaquim Riemack, Ed. $9
Nazi Ideology before 1933-- a documentation Barbara Miller Laneand Lila J. Rupp, hardcover $49
Rumor Has It Bob Markum, Prentice Hall, paperback $6
The Early Ayn Rand Leonard Peikoff, Editor, hardback $60
Motion, Sound and Heat Isaac Asimov, Paperback $3
Adolf Hitler John Toland, paperback $5
The Case against Adolph Eichmann Zeiger, Ed., paperback, Signet $10
Of Time, Space, and Other Things Isaac Asimov, Avon Paperback $4
Science, Numbers and I Isaac Asimov, Avon Paperback $3
Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell,Penguin paperback $3
Nineteen Eighty-Four George Orwell, Signet classic $6
Politics Aristotle, Penguin paperback $3
Guyana Massacre, an eyewitness account Washington Post paperback $3
The Wealth of Nations Adam Smith, Pelikan paperback $6
Life and Energy Isaac Asimov, Avon paperback $3
The Political Writings of St. Augustine Gateway $8
Take Back Your Government Robert A. Heinlein $30
Fidel-a Critical Portrait Tad Szulc, Morrow, Hardcover $12
The World of George Orwell Miriam Gross, Simon & Schuster, hardcover $16
Orwell, the Authorized Biography Michael Sheldon, HarperCollins hardcover $29
The Enduring Federalist Charles Beard, American classics, hardcover $19
Italian Fascisms: from Pareto to Gentile Adrian Lyttleton, Ed $6
Patrick Henry William Wirt, House Ed, 1903? $100
Duce Richard Collier, Viking books, hardcover $6
The War That Hitler Won Robert Edwin Hertzstein, Lg HC picture book $6
Nuclear Ambush-- the Test-Ban Trap Earl H. Foss, $5
Will War Come in Europe H.R. Knickerbocker, Bodley Head $35
Hitler George S. Stein $12
They Thought They Were Free Meyer, U of Chicago press, NSDAP, etc $8
America in Mid Passage Charles A. Beard $10
Boy Scout Handbook Softcover $5
The Elusive Eden--McMullin's Confederate Colony in Brazil William Clark Griggs, U of Texas Press $8
America, Russia and the Cold War, 1945-92 Walter LaFeber, McGraw-Hill $6
Homage to Catalonia George Orwell, paperback $11
There Is No Such Thing As a Free Lunch Milton Friedman, Open Court, hardback $6
Fascist Italy Cassel's, Cromwell paperback $8
I Was Hitler's Doctor Kurt Kruger, Biltmore Books, ragged hardcover $16
Under the Axe of Fascism Salvemini, Citadel Book, hardcover $6
The Axe within-- Italian Fascism in Action Roland Sartre $7
Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence Carl Sagan, Ed. $6
Poor Richard's Almanac Benjamin Franklin, Old Hardcover, ex-Library $3
A Dictionary of Modern American Usage Bryan Garner, Oxford books, perfect hardcover $9
The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald, used wraps $8
The Rockefeller Syndrome Ferdinand Lundberg, paperback $8
My Lives in Russia Marooksha Ficher, 1945. Pro-Soviet translator tells of early communist régime. $8
The Company She Keeps Mary McCarthy, Harcourt Brace Johanovich $5
Quatrevingt-treize Victor Hugo, pocket paperback, nice, original French $5

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